As per the guidelines issued by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and CBSE instructions vide CBSE/Admn.I/14(6)/2004 dated February 16, 2004 on Sexual Harassment of Women and Students at work place in the institutions, the following committee is constituted to enquire into the complaints received against a staff member on the above subject:-
S. No. | Name of Member | Designation |
1. | Ms. Shilpa Manish | Principal |
2. | Mr. Girish Tripathi | Senior Master |
3. | Mr. Sanjay Kushwaha | Senior Master |
4. | Ms. Rajini Tiwari | Chief Proctor |
5. | Ms. Rashmi Pandey | HOD English |
6. | Ms. Sunita Chauhan | HOD Hindi |
7. | Mr. Sanjay Pal | Discipline Incharge |
8. | Ms. Divya Bhasin | Middle School Incharge |
Mainawati Marg, Azaad Nagar, Khyora, Near NRI City, Kanpur
0512 – 2584469, +91 – 8726022077
Mainawati Marg, Azaad Nagar, Khyora, Near NRI City, Kanpur
0512 – 2584469, +91 – 8726022077
Mainawati Marg, Azaad Nagar,
Khyora, Near NRI City, Kanpur
0512 – 2584469, +91 – 8726022077