Get in Touch
Mainawati Marg, Azaad Nagar, Khyora, Near NRI City, Kanpur
0512 – 2584469, +91 – 8726022077
E-mail: dpsazaadnagar@dpskanpur.com
Mrs. Rachna Mohotra
Delhi Public School Kanpur
It gives me immense pleasure to share that DPS Azaad Nagar, DPS Barra, DPS Serrvodaya Nagar and DPS Kidwai Nagar are transcending to new heights with each passing year. I feel blessed and honoured to lead these reputed institutions with a dedicated and highly competent team of staff members.
Education is not only in the academic syllabus, but it is in each and every act done in life. At DPS, a child’s intellectual, social, emotional, physical, spiritual and aesthetic development is fostered and students are encouraged to crystallise their goals and achieve them.
I am pleased that the schools are proving their mettle year after year in academics by giving exemplary Board results in Classes X and XII as well as winning national acclaim in extra-curricular activities through their impeccable talent.
I extend my best wishes to all the schools and I am sure they would leave no stone unturned to further enrich the legacy of their esteemed institutions for the better and brighter prospects of children.
Mainawati Marg, Azaad Nagar, Khyora, Near NRI City, Kanpur
0512 – 2584469, +91 – 8726022077
E-mail: dpsazaadnagar@dpskanpur.com
Mainawati Marg, Azaad Nagar, Khyora, Near NRI City, Kanpur
0512 – 2584469, +91 – 8726022077
E-mail: dpsazaadnagar@dpskanpur.com
Mainawati Marg, Azaad Nagar,
Khyora, Near NRI City, Kanpur
0512 – 2584469, +91 – 8726022077
E-mail: dpsazaadnagar@dpskanpur.com