Get in Touch
Mainawati Marg, Azaad Nagar, Khyora, Near NRI City, Kanpur
0512 – 2584469, +91 – 8726022077
Sports do not build character, they reveal it.
The benefits of having a culture that encourages sports stretch far beyond just physical gains. With the rising health concerns among teenagers owing to sedentary lifestyles, a large number of sports activities have been introduced in all the branches of DPS Kanpur namely DPS Azaad Nagar, DPS Barra, DPS Serrvodaya Nagar and DPS Kidwai Nagar. These are initiated and supervised by highly experienced, motivated coaches.
This has greatly helped in promoting physical fitness, provided insight into the importance of rules and regulations, and taught students to work as a team.
The lessons learnt on the field ignite passion, the ability to accept decisions, manage conflict and to be gracious both while winning and losing.
The introduction of a sports-based programme has yielded an improvement in the overall performance of students. It has also encouraged better attendance and a desire to succeed academically.
A pure academics-based curriculum can be overwhelming and demotivating for many. An hour of sports activities everyday is an excellent way of breaking the monotony and refreshing young minds.
In addition to enhancing physical skills and abilities, sports impact the social and moral development of children. Students who play sports are more likely to develop leadership skills and are also more aware of the importance of good nutrition and health.
Mainawati Marg, Azaad Nagar, Khyora, Near NRI City, Kanpur
0512 – 2584469, +91 – 8726022077
Mainawati Marg, Azaad Nagar, Khyora, Near NRI City, Kanpur
0512 – 2584469, +91 – 8726022077
Mainawati Marg, Azaad Nagar,
Khyora, Near NRI City, Kanpur
0512 – 2584469, +91 – 8726022077